Midhurst, West Sussex

Welcome to Midhurst.org, the site that brings you comprehensive and impartial information about the small but perfectly formed town of Midhurst, one of the jewels of the lovely county of West Sussex.
Information for visitors to Midhurst
On this site you can find details about attractions in and around Midhurst such as the beautiful Sussex countryside, the Cowdray Estate and Racing at Goodwood. We also have information about top attractions in nearby West Sussex towns near Midhurst like Chichester and Petworth. And you'll also find information on Midhurst hotels restaurants and pubs to help you make the most of your visit to Midhurst and the surrounding villages in West Sussex.
Information for Midhurst residents
We've pulled together information about many aspects of life in Midhurst and put them in one place. In time, we hope this will grow into a valuable resource which highlights the best that that Midhurst has to offer and is a convenient way of finding what you want to know quickly.On this site you'll find information about clubs and societies in Midhurst, together with Midhurst sports, restaurants, pubs, schools, local businesses and government resources plus Midhurst websites we like including details of Midhurst churches, the history of Midhurst, the Rother Raft Race, Cowdray Park information, the Grange Centre and more.
Feel free to contact us if you know of something that you think should be included in Midhurst.org.

Welcome to Midhurst.org, the site about the lovely town of Midhurst in West Sussex
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© Midhurst.org 2008-12.
Tuesday February 18